The Vegvisir is an ancient Norse symbol that is believed to provide safety for those who are embarking on a long voyage. Many Viking ships bore the Vegivisir as a talisman to protect the ship and its crew from perishing at sea.
The symbol features eight directions, symbolizing the many paths that can be taken.The Vikings, who were great seafarers, would carry the Vegvisir with them or have it tattooed on their foreheads, as they believed it would always bring them back home. It is the symbol of guidance and protection. The Vegvisir is believed to provide you with the guidance you are seeking and helps you make the right choices for your life.
Celtic Knot
The Celtic Knot is probably one of the most recognized signs in Celtic symbolism and yet few people realize what it’s actually called. Made of one single chord that interwaves and interlocks within itself many times, the Eternity Knot is a closed circuit. It is, of course, meant to represent the eternity– the eternity of the world, of life, of love and friendships and relationships.